Pasal 59: Wali diberhentikan apabila Khalifah berpendapat untuk memberhentikannya; atau apabila Majlis Umat menyatakan ketidakpuasan (ketidakrelaan) terhadap Wali, atau jika Majelis Wilayah menampakkan ketidaksukaan terhadapnya. Pemberhentiannya dilakukan oleh Khalifah.
Article 59: The governor can be discharged if the Khalifah decides so or if the Shura council expresses dissatisfaction with him - whether justified or not - or if the provincial council expressed discontent with him. However, the governor can only be dismissed by the Khalifah.
Its proof is the action of the Messenger he appointed Mu’adh Bin Jabal over Yemen and then removed him from it without a reason, and removed Al-’Ala’ b. Al-Hadrami who was his ’Amil over Bahrain because the delegation of ’Abd Qays complained about him. Umar Bin Al-Khattab (ra) used to remove governors with and without reason; he removed Ziyad b. Abi Sufyan and did not announce a reason and removed Sa’d b. Abi Waqqas (ra) since the people complained about him, and said “I did not remove him due to incapability, nor treachery”. This indicates that the Khalifah can remove the governors whenever he pleases, and it is upon him to remove the governor if the provincial council complain about him, and similar to the people of his province is the Shura council (Shura and accounting), which represents all of the provinces.