Pasal 58: Seorang Wali tidak boleh dimutasi dari satu wilayah ke wilayah yang lain, karena pengangkatannya bersifat umum tetapi untuk satu tempat tertentu. Akan tetapi seorang Wali boleh diberhentikan kemudian diangkat lagi di tempat lain.
Article 58: The governor is not moved from one province to another, since his appointment was for a general control in a specific area. Therefore, he has to be discharged first and then reappointed.
Its proof is the action of the Messenger since he used to remove the governors and it is not narrated that he transferred a governor from place to place. Additionally, the governorship is one of the contracts that is completed by a direct wording, and the contract of the governorship is upon the province or city, which specifies the place where the governor rules, and the powers of ruling remain with him as long as the Khalifah does not remove him. So if he is not removed, then he remains a governor over it, and if he is transferred to another place, he is not removed from his first location by this transfer and is not appointed over the location that he has been transferred to, since his separation from the first location requires a direct word that he has been removed from the governorship over it and his appointment over the place that he has been transferred to requires a new contract of appointment which is specific to that location. Accordingly, it is taken that the governor is not transferred from location to location by transfer; rather he is removed from a location and appointed to a new governorship for the new location.