Pasal 46: Khalifah wajib mengetahui aktivitas Mu’awin Tafwidl dan pengaturan berbagai urusan yang dilakukannya, agar Khalifah dapat menyetujui yang sesuai dengan kebenaran dan mengoreksi kesalahan; mengingat pengaturan urusan umat adalah tugas Khalifah yang dijalankan berdasar ijtihadnya.
Article 46: It is imperative that the Khalifah scrutinises the actions of the delegated assistants (Tafwid) and their management of the affairs, in order to confirm what was right, and to correct any errors, since the management of the affairs of the Ummah has been delegated to the Khalifah and is decided by his Ijtihad.
It is imperative that the Khalifah scrutinises the actions of the delegated assistants (Tafwid) and their management of the affairs, in order to confirm what was right, and to correct any errors, since the management of the affairs of the Ummah has been delegated to the Khalifah and is attributed to his Ijtihad.The evidence for this is the narration regarding the responsibility over the subject, which is the words of the Prophet
«الإِمَامُ رَاعٍ وَمَسْـئُولٌ عَنْ رَعِيَّتِهِ»
“The Imam is a guardian, and he is responsible (will be questioned) for his subjects”.The Khalifah has been delegated to manage the affairs and he is responsible over the subjects. On the other hand, the assistant is not responsible over the subjects; rather he is only responsible over whatever he carried out from the work. The responsibility of the subjects is limited to the Khalifah alone, and for that reason, it is obligatory for him to scrutinise the actions and management of his assistant, in order to carry out his responsibility for his subjects. Additionally, the assistant could make a mistake and ,therefore, it is imperative to correct the error that occurred, and so it is necessary to scrutinise all his actions.