Статья 51: Исполнительный помощник непосредственно связан с халифом так же, как и уполномочен ный помощник. Он считается помощником, но в сфере исполнения, а не в сфере правления.
Article 51: The executive assistant is directly connected to the Khalifah, like the delegated assistant, and is considered as an assistant but only in terms of execution and not in ruling.
The Khalifah is the ruler who undertakes the ruling and the implementation, and governing the peoples’ affairs. Undertaking the ruling, implementation and governing requires administrative work and this necessitates the creation of a specific structure which would be with the Khalifah to manage the affairs which are required by the responsibilities of the Khilafah. So this necessitates assistants who are appointed by the Khalifah to execute and carry out the administrative actions, not the actions of ruling. So their action is to assist the Khalifah in administration, not ruling, and so he does not undertake any action of ruling that the delegated assistant would do. Therefore, he is not appointed as a governor or worker (’Amil), and does not govern the peoples’ affairs, but rather his work is administrative to execute the ruling actions, and the administrative actions that are issued from the Khalifah and the delegated assistants. For that reason, he is called the executive assistant.
The jurists called him the executive minister (Wazir Al-Tanfidh); in other words, the executive assistant, on the basis that the word Wazir linguistically indicates the assistant, and they said: this Wazir is the interface between the Khalifah and the subjects and governors, he carries out what the Khalifah orders, executes what is issued, follows through what is ruled, informs about the assignment of governorship and the preparation of the military and defence. He also presents to the Khalifah the replies back from them, and whatever has occurred in order to carry out whatever he has been ordered. So he is the one assigned for the execution of the affairs, and not as a governor over them, nor empowered over them. He is similar to the head of the office of the Presidents in the contemporary era.