Статья 68: Каждый лагерь должен быть обеспечен достаточным числом офицеров, обладающих высокими военными знаниями и опытом пла нирования и осуществления военных операций. А также, в общем, в армии должно быть максимально возможное число таких офицеров.
Article 68: It is obligatory that each base should have sufficient numbers of officers of the Ggeneral Staff who possess expert military knowledge and experience in drawing up plans and running battles. The Army as a whole should possess as many of these officers as possible.
Its evidence is the same as article 67, based upon the rule
(ما لا يتم الواجب إلا به فهو واجب)
“That, without which the obligation cannot be accomplished, is itself an obligation”.
If military education is not digested theoretically through learning, and practically through continuous training and application, then it will not produce experience which enables one to engage in battles and todraw up plans. Therefore, providing expert military education is obligatory. Continuous study and training is also obligatory in order that the Army continues to prepare for Jihad and engagement at any moment. Since the Army exists in many bases and every one of them has to be able to engage in battle immediately, there should be an ample number of staff in each camp according to the principle
(ما لا يتم الواجب إلا به فهو واجب)
“That, without which the obligation cannot be accomplished, is itself an obligation”.