Статья 66: Все армейские подразделения представляют собой единую армию со специально определенными местами дислокации — военными лагерями. Часть лагерей дислоцируется в разных провинциях (вилаятах). Другая часть в стратегически важ ных регионах, а некоторые военные лагеря являются постоянно мобильными, являясь ударными силами. Все эти армейские подраз деления организуются в группы. Каждая такая группа получает имя армии с присвоением номера, как, например, первая, третья армии. Также они могут носить название соответствующей провинции (вилаята) или области (ималата).
Article 66: The Army is a unified entity which has specific bases. However, it is necessary that some of these bases are placed in different provinces and others in strategic locations. Some of the bases should be permanently mobile fighting forces. These bases are organised in numerous groups, with each group being given a number as a name, such as the first Army, the third Army, or they can be named after a province or district.
The Islamic Army is a single entity composed from several Armies, and each one is given a number: so it is said: the first Army, the third Army, or they are named according to the province or district, and it is said: the Army of Ash-Sham, the Army of Misr, and the Army of San’a’ for example.
The Islamic Army is placed in specific bases, and in each base there is a group of soldiers, either a single Army, or division, or numerous Armies. However, it is obligatory to place these bases in different provinces, and some of them in military bases, and some of them in permanently mobile bases to be strike forces. Each base is given a specific name, such as Al-Habanya Base, and each has a specific flag.
These arrangements, are either from permitted issues and ,therefore, left to the opinion of the Khalifah and his Ijtihad, such as naming every Army according to its province or district, or to assign a specific number for each of them, or they could be from the issues of
(ما لا يتم الواجب إلا به ...)
“Whatever is required to complete an obligation”
if they were necessary to protect the land, such as the arrangements of the Armies on the borders, and placing and putting the bases across various strategic locations to protect the land and so on.
Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) used to divide the Army bases amongst the provinces, and so soldiers were assigned for Palestine and another for Moosel, and another in the centre of the State, and he used to have an Army with him prepared to fight upon the first indication.