Статья 163: Гражданам государства запрещается иметь в собственности лабора тории, в которых разрабатываются материалы, обладание кото рыми приносит вред умме или государству.
Article163:Individuals are prevented from possessing laboratories producing materials that could harm the Ummah or the State, or materials that the Shari’ah forbade.
Its evidence is the Shari’ah principle:
(الشيء المباح إذا كان فرد من أفراده يؤدي إلى ضرر يمنع ذلك الفرد ويبقى الشيء مباحاً)
“If one item of a permitted thing leads to a harm, only that one is prohibited, and the thing remains permitted”, and laboratories whose private ownership leads to harm are prevented from being privately owned, such as nuclear laboratories and anything else whose private ownership would lead to harm.