Pasal 176: Ilmu kesenian dan keterampilan dapat digolongkan sebagai ilmu pengetahuan, seperti perdagangan, pelayaran dan pertanian yang boleh dipelajari tanpa terikat batasan atau syarat tertentu; dan dapat juga digolongkan sebagai suatu kebudayaan apabila telah dipengaruhi oleh pandangan hidup tertentu, seperti seni lukis dan pahat yang tidak boleh dipelajari apabila bertentangan dengan pandangan Islam.
Article 176: Arts and crafts may be related to science, such as commerce, navigation and agriculture. In such cases, they are studied without restriction or conditions. Sometimes, however, arts and crafts are connected to culture and influenced by a particular viewpoint of life, such as painting and sculpting. If this viewpoint of life contradicts the Islamic viewpoint of life, these arts and crafts are not taken.
The evidence is the evidence for Article 162, which was the generality of the evidences which permitted knowledge/science, and the principle that one type of a permitted thing is prohibited if it leads to harm, because the arts and industries are information, and so they are permitted since they are encompassed by the generality of the evidences regarding knowledge. If they bring about harm due to their being influenced by a particular viewpoint then they are prohibited. This is the case if there is no text forbidding it. As for when there is a text which forbids it, such as drawing something which has a soul (Ruh), whether human, animal, bird or otherwise, or sculpting something with a soul, then it is prohibited because it is forbidden due to the narrations reported which decisively prohibit drawing and sculpting.