Pasal 106: Anggota Majelis Wilayah dipilih secara langsung oleh penduduk wilayah tertentu. Jumlah anggota Majelis wilayah ditentukan sesuai dengan perbandingan jumlah penduduk setiap wilayah di dalam Daulah. Anggota-anggota Majelis Umat dipilih secara langsung oleh Majelis Wilayah. Awal dan akhir masa keanggotaan Majelis Umat sama dengan Majelis Wilayah.
Article 106: The members of the Provincial Councils are directly elected by the people in their provinces, and the number of members of any Provincial Councils is decided according to the ratio of the inhabitants in such province to the whole population of the State. The members of the Ummah Council are elected directly by the Provincial Councils. The start and end of the terms of the Ummah Council are the same as those of the Provincial Councils.
The members of the Ummah Council are elected and not appointed. They are representatives of the people to voice the opinions of the public and the representative should be chosen by the person whom he represents and should never be imposed upon him. Furthermore, the members of the Ummah Council are representatives of the people’s opinions, whether they are individuals or groups; so to know the representative of people in a large area, and those peoples who are not well known, does not come about unless this representative is chosen by them. Also, the Messenger of Allah did not choose those whom he consulted based on their ability, competence and personalities; rather he chose them because they were chiefs among their people, regardless of their ability and competence; in the second Bay’a of Al-‘Aqabah, the Muslims who gave him the Bay’a were not known to him and this is why he left the matter of choosing the chiefs to them, by saying:
«أَخْرِجُوا إليَّ مِنْكُمُ اثْـنَيْ عَشَرَ نَقِيباً يَكُونونَ على قَوْمِهِمْ»
“Choose from among you twelve leaders (Naqibs) who will be responsible for themselves and their people” (as reported in the Sirah of Ibn Hisham from Ka’b b. Malik).
We can thus conclude from the fact that the members of the Ummah Council represent the opinion of the Muslims at large, and since the reason (‘Illah) for which the Council is founded is to represent the individuals and groups in voicing their opinions and in holding the rulers accountable, and since this cannot be achieved if the persons were not known (to the Khalifah) unless there was a general election, all of this proves that the members of the Ummah Council should be elected and not appointed.
The method of election is as follows:
1. In accordance with Article 56, a Provincial Council is elected for two goals: The first is to provide necessary information to the governor (Wali) about the situation and needs of the province (Wilayah). The purpose of that is helping the governor in conducting his task in a way that provides a comfortable and secure life for the people of the province and facilitates the fulfillment of their needs and the provision of their services. The second is to express contentment or complaint about the governance of the governor over them. This is because the complaint of the majority of the council of the province against the governor obliges his removal. This means the reality of the Provincial Council is administrative for helping the governor by informing him of the reality of the province and for expressing the contentment or complaint about him. All of this motivates him to improve his work. This council has other mandatory powers such as those of the Ummah Council, as explained below.
2. In accordance with Article 105 and the previous explanation, an Ummah Council is set up (for consultation and accounting), which must be elected by the Ummah and representative of her. It has mandatory powers which will be explained in the next article.
3. This means there will be election for selecting the members of the Provincial Council and another election for the members of the Ummah Council.
4. To facilitate the election process and save the citizens from repeated elections, we adopt the election of the Provincial Councils first, then those who won in the Provincial Councils would gather and elect from among themselves the Ummah Council. This means the Provincial Council would be directly elected by the Ummah, while the Ummah Council would be elected by the Provincial Councils. Hence, the beginning and end of the term of the Ummah council is the same as that of the Provincial Councils.
5. One that is elected from the Provincial Councils to the Ummah Council is replaced by the one with the highest votes among those who failed in the elections of the Provincial Councils. A lot is cast between those who got the same number of votes.
6. The people of the Dhimmah elect their representatives in the Provincial Councils and these representatives elect their representatives in the Ummah Council. All of this takes place at the same time of the election of the Provincial Councils and the Ummah Council in the State.
Consequently, a law has been prepared that takes into consideration the matters mentioned, and explains the measures used for the election of the Provincial Councils and the Ummah Council.